Thursday, September 30, 2010

Zombie Week

To kick off October and get prepped for Halloween, I’m going to switch tactics here at the Photolog and declare the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse. All week long I’ll be bringing you zombie-inspired goodness including the Guide to Surviving the First Wave, Living in the Zombie Apocalypse, A Survivalists Armory, My Top Ten Zombie Flicks and more. Don’t think zombie apocalypse is really possible check out this article and you just might change your mind.  

Also for the Zombie Fanatics in the Puget Sound area be sure to check out ZomBcon at the end of the month.

Over the Cliff

Well, I'm going for it. I'm going to try and work at a ski resort this season. I mean that's why I've spent two years in grad school anyways right, so I can enjoy the good life. I'm not totally giving up on a real job I just applied to an environmental consulting positioning in Texas, yep I'm desperate. However, the snow is starting to fall up in the mountains and I want to have a low pay, high fun backup in place if my real career doesn't take off. Wish me luck and remember when you're getting stressed out it's time to play.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Prospects

So I've applied to several places and besides the insanely demoralizing lack of response from most potential employers, i have recieved four negative replys mainly through email but one company was kind enough to send an oldfashioned letter on official letterhead. I even got a phone interview last week. Unfortunately I don't think it went so well. I feel I was well qualified for the position but the interviewer asked a few of those generic interview questions that I completly flubbed. The most notable one was when he asked me to demonstrate a time when I took responsibility at a job. I choked out a couple of random exploits from my previous employments and threw out the cliche of getting things done when I had to.

So moral of the story be prepared for the interview, likely you're qualified for the job if you've gotten this far. At this point they're testing your people skills. Rehearse a few of those oddball questions they like to throw at you.
Where do you see yourself in five years? What are your strengths?

Also go through and write a paragraph or two about what you did at previous jobs and have that handy during a phone interview, so you don' have to come up with examples out of nowhere while you're stressing. They've allready looked at the short version on your resume and thats likely all you're going to recall while under the gun.

It's a tough market out there, don't sell yourself short.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Visions of the Dawn

Just posting a few pics to round out my worldview for my followers.
Fire on the Horizon
The Storm Approaches

The Cold Orchard

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome to the Apocalypse

Hi guys,

As I approach the end of my academic career and look out on the bleak landscape of the job market it has become apparent that the apocalypse is upon me. The four horseman of debt, famine, war and responsiblity loom on the horizon. Will I stave them off and find a succesful career before the awful realities drag me back to downtrodden cornfields I so greatly fled in my trans-national flight? What interesting culinary concoctions will this beleagured pauperate bachelor be forced to consume? Whatever the case, this isn't going to be a self-pity filled whiny drivel about my miseries. I will embrace the apocalypse and document so all will know the horrors of 2010.